An Account Of A Bad Day

All I heard was a loud, booming boom. My friends raced to check on me and I wasn’t worried about anything. My friend had just left my car outside his house when it was attacked. It looked like someone wanted to smash my car. This is the exact image I saw on the road.

It was a sunny, warm June day. My best friend and i decided to go out for a few drinks with a few of our friends before all of us went off to college. This would be the worst day of my life, I didn’t know. It was a fun night spent with friends, blasting our music and singing along to each other’s tunes. My parents didn’t know that I had driven us to our friend’s house. Parents want to know exactly where and when their child will be.

I was going to the bathroom when I heard a friend shout, “Oh my god!” I saw someone’s car completely damaged!” No one could describe what it looked like or how it looked. I heard something, but it was not loud enough to make me think about. I didn’t think anything was wrong. My friend asked me if there was any chapstick in my car. I replied, “Yes, it is, I have it in my car. Come with me and we’ll get it.” As we climbed the stairs, suddenly, there were police cars and officers with lights all over the street. We were both puzzled by what was happening because they were all so close to me car.

My heart stopped beating, my stomach began to sink and my body started shaking. I felt anxious and nervousness. I noticed that my entire back was torn. I didn’t know how or what to do, and it caused me to cry. I had never before been in this situation, and I didn’t know what to do. I could barely speak to the officers because of my hyperventilation. I was walking in circles trying figure out what to say. I called and texted some friends to offer advice. I made the right decision. My parents were my greatest concern. My parents didn’t know I was going with some friends or where I was going. At this point, my thoughts were focused on the fact that I would not be able fix my car and that my parents might lose their trust in my abilities to drive.

Soon after we left the house, all the other residents came out to look at what had just happened. All of them tried to help me figure out what happened. I went to the police to find out who it was. They wanted to know all about me, including my car information. I then saw this man standing there with the cops. He started saying repeatedly “I’m so sorry,” until I finally wanted him not to talk anymore. I was so upset I wanted to know the cause of the accident. He said nothing, but he continued texting and driving.

It was at this point that I knew that calling my parents was the only way to go. I was shaking, screaming, and hyperventilating. I wanted to solve this problem. I was asking myself “what can I do? I want to escape this nightmare.” There was nothing I could do. My father was more concerned about my mother’s health than I was so I called him. They could see my tears and hear my cries. When he got up, he realized that something was wrong.

A friend of mine drove me home to take my parents there. Once we reached the street, all I can remember was seeing my parents’ disappointment and worried faces. I felt so disappointed in myself that my parents made me feel like it was my fault. I tried to convince them that this was not their fault and that we could not prevent it from happening. However, all they could see was me being in the car when it happened. They were terrified for their lives. That was the moment when I realized my life didn’t just matter to me, it also had a great impact on my family. I was determined never to ever lose the trust of anyone.


  • miabailey

    I'm a 32-year-old educational blogger and student. I love to write and share my knowledge with others. I also like to learn new things and share what I've learned with others.