Determination Determines Your Destination

Once I decide to do something, I will not stop until I achieve it. My first exposure to English was at age 11 (5th Grade) and I fell in awe of it. It was always my favorite class at school. For me, learning this language is a lifelong journey. Every day I learn new words from different TV shows or radio stations like “BBC” and “Bloomberg”. It’s because I write down every new word or phrase I hear. My essay may sound more colloquial than academic, as it has been a while since I last wrote an essay. My parents have always refused to let me participate in any student exchange program.

I stopped asking eventually, but the idea never left me. For over a ten-year period, I made a long list of programs in the US. Then, I printed it, researched information on them, and then fantasized about going to one. For fear of my parents’ rejection, I was never brave enough to follow through. My parents believed that life went on. When I had to decide on a major in college, I felt a little lost. Had I known who I am today, then I would have picked English immediately, and not “wasted” 5 years. Some years passed. Now, I teach English. My current job is my dream job. I have always wanted to be a lecturer/teacher in higher education. The FLTA can give me that opportunity and more. The FLTA program would help me become more familiar with American culture. It would also help me get more acquainted with the American culture.

I’m not the only one who feels this way. Out of our five English teachers, four have at least spent a full year in America. It doesn’t matter if (at first) my students assume that I am an American native speaker and constantly ask me how long I lived in the U.S. This would be an amazing experience for me. This would increase my confidence as an English instructor. It’d also open doors for my business and help me grow. I hope this doesn’t make you think that I am a selfish person. If I were to join something, it would be something about which I was passionate, and I wouldn’t want to settle for mediocrity. I forgot how to celebrate my birthday, which is on July 24th.

My father never said happy birthday to me. I assumed it was just because he wasn’t into such things. In the end, he used this date as a way to remind him of how old his unmarried girl was. My father always reminded me that I would be turning ___ next month or this July whenever someone made a comment about my being single. This made me wonder if my assumption was correct. Why do I share this information with you? As I said earlier, I am not a quitter. The only reason I’m getting married is to be with my parents. I once tried going down that path and it failed, so I became more determined to do what I really want. It took me a while to get guys to accept the idea that I would stay in the U.S.A. for an entire year. As a result, I realize that being in an actual relationship will force me to abandon my goals. It’s a situation I’ve experienced for over ten years.

They also know I will not change my mind. They also wished me good luck for the TOEFL test. For me, my new way of living is “Carpe Diem”. Seize every opportunity and seize each day. You’re done trying to live up to expectations. It’s time to be a woman.


  • miabailey

    I'm a 32-year-old educational blogger and student. I love to write and share my knowledge with others. I also like to learn new things and share what I've learned with others.