Overcoming Obstacles: Be Human, Be Hero

Hero is a man who is extraordinary because of his bravery, valor and magnanimity. The term hero can be real or imaginary. It is a role that people play in their lives. It is a way to develop the inner self of the person. Hero strives to be a hero through his heroic acts. The role of the hero is symbolic for many people. It serves to motivate others to overcome obstacles in their lives. There are heroes in my life who aren’t visible to me until I need them. These include firefighters, police officers, and paramedics. They are trained and paid to be in dangerous situations. However, this does not diminish their ability to make calm, balanced decisions to help others. A good Samaritan may save a child from drowning in a frozen river. Or a passerby might witness a shaking and help the victim. What makes a hero? The moment is what brings out the heroes. Actions that have a positive impact on the community, or the entire world. This means that the community’s or global impact on the actions of a hero is a reason to honour them. Some actions may require them to deal directly with the death or symbolism of a fallen hero. These death threats may or may never be realized. Their vision was so great that they became a hero. They also became cultural icons like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who fought for equality. Zumbi Dos Palmares was an important character in the Brazilian black struggle against slavery. Zumbi is known as one of Brazil’s great leaders and symbols of struggle. Zumbi is an excellent example of blacks who were freed from slavery in Brazil but who did not become passive, submissive or alienated. He is also considered to be a symbol of black protagonists. Zumbi’s November 20th 1695 death made him a prominent symbol of resistance among certain political parties. This portion of his life was transformed into the Day of Black Consciousness because of this. Even in this knowledge, the hero undergoes minor procedures that involve a conflict with his world. The hero is someone who can face reality and is willing to take on any challenge. Real heroes don’t participate in films with special effects or scenes pre-programmed. They face every challenge without hesitation, even if it means they risk their lives. People still frequently use the title hero. The title of hero is not for people who have superpowers but can save lives, like a Brazilian teacher who saved many lives, even though they risked their own lives. These people are the most inspirational and value-creating individuals in this trajectory. They are known for being courageous, just, fair, selfless, and dedicated to true values. These are traits that all humans should strive for as they have the potential to inspire greater human achievements in the past.


  • miabailey

    I'm a 32-year-old educational blogger and student. I love to write and share my knowledge with others. I also like to learn new things and share what I've learned with others.