Scripture Engagement – Lrctio Divina

Christians have developed various techniques to engage with Scripture for centuries. This article attempts to teach us the real methods for experiencing God through the Bible. This article emphasizes the scripture engagement technique called Lectio Divina. In Latin, it means “sacred-reading”. Over a thousand people have been using this practice. Certain words in the Bible can make us feel encouraged, comforted, grateful, or even convicted. This can help us to draw closer to God.

Lectio Divina allows us to communicate with God directly by using his words. Lectio Divina may bring you closer, but it’s not magic. It involves listening and meditating to God’s Word.

Lectio Divina is divided into four phases. First, you read, then meditate, then pray, and finally, contemplate. You must have a quiet place and time to focus on this. Lectio Divina is a process that requires you to choose a passage from scripture for meditation. It is better to use shorter portions of Scripture for a closer look at the passage. On the other hand, long passages allow you to get a broad overview of the scripture. You can do this by focusing on a Bible topic, like love, kindness, patience etc. Remember to use passages you know well, as this is the best way to gain experience.

Before you perform Lectio Divina ask yourself if your heart is in the correct place for God to speak to you. It is important to be quiet and focus solely on the task. When you are calm, ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He will reveal what needs to be revealed to you. Remembering what you’re reading is essential. The Bible should be read as you would a letter written by a loving father.

Lectio divina begins with reading. You should read slowly to be able to note down every word. Consider the deliberateness of the wording, repetition, themes, images, and dialogue. You should be aware of every word or phrase that speaks to you. Repeat the rituals of reading the passage after the first read. The words of the author should not be only seen with the eye, but your heart, brain, and soul.

Meditation uses your imagination. Imagine what the phrase meant. Picture/visualize the passage or the situation in your mind. Then, think about it again and ask if that passage is speaking directly to me. Was the Holy Spirit trying to convey this to me today? Ask yourself how you can apply it to your own life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the passage in your life. It is vital to keep our memory alive. Meditation allows us to retain the passages we have read. Meditation allows passages to be understood in greater depth.

You must offer all your thoughts, feelings and actions to the Lord in prayer. You can ask forgiveness for any wrongdoings and guidance to help you through the rest of the day. When you are grateful for God’s blessings, express this gratitude with praise and worship. Ask for guidance and peace to help you do God’s Will. You can simply talk to God. Tell Him what you feel.

Last step: contemplation We are supposed to remain silent before God when we contemplate. This is an important way for us to grow in our relationship with Him. In this state of relaxation, we should enjoy the calmness in the Lord’s presence. You don’t have to talk to God all the time. Just sit with Him and feel His love. In doing so, you should try to resist thinking about the bad things in your life. You want to be able sit in Jesus’ love. Contemplation includes the commitment to live out the truths that God has planted in our heart with God’s assistance. This truth is living our faith and submitting to God’s word. Once you have finished contemplating, you may repeat the Lectio Divina method or give thanks to the Lord for the work he’s done.


  • miabailey

    I'm a 32-year-old educational blogger and student. I love to write and share my knowledge with others. I also like to learn new things and share what I've learned with others.