Stressors Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Face In The U.s

Table of Contents

What their strengths and risks are in relation to their lives

Rights/Implications/Social workers role

In summary

Grandparenting is supposed to be a magical experience. It involves hugs and laughter as well as the chance to share in the sweet moments with the grandchildren. For a growing number of grandparents, joy dates with grandchildren are being replaced by full-time childcare. Doctors and other healthcare professionals are only now starting to notice that grandparents’ health is suffering from the increased demands.

Grandparents of grandchildren often face stressors not found in other situations. This financial burden is a major stressor, as shown in both videos. After years of fighting to get custody for their grandchildren, the Douthitts had to pay legal fees and court costs totalling thousands or even thousands of dollar. They have struggled to survive after almost losing their home due to foreclosure. The Douthitts are not content with just paying for their home and mortgage. They also provide tutoring and therapy for their three grandchildren. Cathy was able to return to work, unlike many grandparents, but she wasn’t financially stable to care for all six grandchildren. This took a toll emotionally. Cathy was unable to afford daycare so she sought financial assistance to help her children. Grandparents are tired of juggling after school activities and looking after their grandchildren. Depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and alcoholism are all common problems in grandparents. These problems are often linked to stress from being parents again, in far more difficult situations than the last time. This is due in large part to the increased number of grandparents raising grandchildren. This is what Cathy faced with her daughter. She decided to take care of her grandchildren full-time. It will be possible to see how grandparents experience the stress of caring. How risk factors and strengths impact their lives. Grandparents are motivated to make it through their grandchildren’s lifetimes. You run the risk of putting your health at risk by trying to fix it. Grandparents who are suffering from stress might find relief from their doctors. Grandparent care providers are a vulnerable group that can be harmed by stress. They become self-advocators for their grandchildren and help them achieve better health. Cathy was able to get back to work and to grieve her retirement. She also took on the risk of losing her health in order to care for her grandchildren. This gave her the ability to learn self-determination, empowerment, and coping skills. Although the transition was difficult, it brought her closer and strengthened her relationships with her family through support groups. Cathy lost her closest friends, but she created a new community that supports her and her grandchildren. Grandparents who raise grandchildren show resilience in facing these challenges and improving the lives of those they love. Rights/Implications/Social workers roleLaws vary from state to state when dealing with grandparents raising grandchildren. The laws are varied and it makes it difficult for grandparents to get legal help. This is costly. Because grandparents are expected to be able and willing to care for grandchildren, this has serious implications. Florida prohibits grandparents from trying to get custody of grandchildren even if their grandchildren are in dire situations. Florida does allow grandparents the right to claim custody in some situations. However, these cases can be costly and expensive. The Douthitt family had to sue for custody. Cathy also had to fight to get guardianship for her grandchildren who were taken from their parents. The problem creates tension in the families and makes it seem like the problem is threatening the family’s existence. Grandparents are the first to be granted custody, but it is not possible to have custody within Florida, even if one parent has passed away. Grandparents who want to be the caregiver for their grandchildren should focus on themselves so they can stay around. It is not uncommon for grandparents to neglect their health, especially if they have a fixed income. They should try to minimize their own health issues, especially if it is money-related. Grandparents often deny or downplay their symptoms to avoid legal consequences. Grandparents who seek custody of grandchild due to drug addiction fear losing custody. The Douthitt family’s battle with cancer is an example. At the macro level, the social worker’s role is to advocate for the grandparents and their grandchildren. They are determined and capable of overcoming these challenges. Social workers have to assist grandparents in tapping into their inner strength to help them navigate this new stage of life. Grandparent Reaching Out is a group that supports and advocates for grandparents who care for grandchildren. These support groups provide members with a variety of information including updates on custody and guardianship law, discipline techniques, and venting their emotions. Grandparents often feel guilty about not being able to provide the same level of care and support for their grandchildren as their friends. It is also common for grandparents to feel isolated. This issue is not only seen daily, but is also encountered repeatedly. This issue is urgently needed, particularly in Florida where laws are not available. The advocacy for grandparents raising grandchildren continues to be a major issue. Social workers need to look at ways to help people in this situation, including education, policies, and the provision of resources. The lack of resources and education in this area are the main reasons for advocating this. This issue presents the social work code. It advocates, promotes, addresses issues and resources, promotes dignity, and applies these ethical principles in a non-bias manner to social justice. Grandparents having grandchildren can have many repercussions. The benefits of raising grandchildren can be overwhelming if you have the right support, guidance, and resources. While financial troubles and stress factors are always a concern, they can be eliminated and addressed through strength-based support groups and practices.


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