Columbus Day Is Out And Indigenous Peoples’ Day Is In

Jaydubbaya NPCs tweeted “happy Indigenous people’s day”. This renaming implies that White people should never have come to this area. It was not celebrated by Columbus, Ohio, named after him. Anti-White NPCs in the United States are trying to vandalize Columbus statues. These Jews believe that Columbus was a brave discovery sailor and have been honored for many centuries. As part of their group evolutionary strategy, Jews always attempt to denigrate the history and culture of their host peoples. This is just as they did when attacking America’s Founding Fathers.

Noel Ingnatiev openly calls on the abolishment the White race. He is a filthy Klke Harvard Scholar and Sheeny’s Sheeny. He said that the goal of eliminating the white race was so attractive that many may not believe it could face opposition from white supremacists. No, we won’t stop bashing dead white males as well as those who are alive until the social structure known to be ‘the White Race’ is destroyed. Sheeny is also an advocate for the notion of white privilege. We now know the ultimate goal of this term. Social Justice NPCs are only able to think and feel the way they were programmed by anti-White, genocidal antisemitic monsters like Ignatiev. They are non-player characters. The Sheenies would never endorse “Indigenous People’s Day”, even though they promote it for AMERICANS. Can you picture a “Palestinian People’s Day”, Israel? Aren’t Sheenies just too cute? To NPCs on the left, everything after 1492 was a disaster. The fact that White people were not allowed to settle in America meant that some other group, such as the Chinese, would be able to take their place. The Amerindians are Stone Age groups composed of savages. They did not have the wheel, even though they lived in densely populated parts of the globe. Whites didn’t kill millions of Amerindians. The vast majority of them died from diseases. Columbus arrived in Cuba and Dominican Republic to find a tribe of friendly Indians warning him about another tribe who could torture and eat him. Other Indians were terrified to death by peaceful Indians. There was always a fight between the various tribes. They had a lot of fun torturing. They would rape other tribes’ women and make them their property. Mexico City has recently been home to rows after rows of human skulls. It is believed that the Aztecs did not only conquer other tribes, but made human sacrifices as well as ripped the hearts from people. North American Indians would enslave and kill each other. It was not the first time slavery was introduced to America. Indians would rob land from one another and wipe out entire tribes. The NPCs believe that there is no race and we are all one. Were the Europeans not a technologically more advanced “Indian tribe” that sailed across a pond to take over? Why do the NPCs think that Europeans are not of any race? Why can’t the Indigenous People’s Day be given to Europeans of Indian descent? Wikipedia doesn’t have an article on Indigenous Europeans. The term “Native American” is a slap in the face because the Amerindians weren’t Americans. King George was accused of inciting domestic insurrections against us and trying to drive out the people of our frontiers, the ruthless Indian savages, who have a known rule of war that is an undistinguished ruin, of all ages and sexes. “This means that, no matter what age you were, the Indians would not give you AF. They were treated as distinct nations. They also didn’t consider their country Americans. They were not eligible to vote in elections and they never even considered wanting to. They weren’t made citizens until 1924. They did not know what the term “America” meant before Europeans created it. Would Native American Indians be better off if they had been conquered by the Turks and Chinese? They would not have Amerindians living today, if they had. The perpetrators were not White, so the Korean NPCs wouldn’t have anything to say. The wealthiest part of the world was created by white Europeans.

Most powerful nation in world history. NPCs think that taking America from Amerindians was evil and bad, but that it is good for Mexicans to take America. It is offensive to European Americans that Columbus Day be taken away. This implies that America doesn’t belong to them. It makes no sense for NPCs from Korea to be bald and celebrate “Indigenous People’s Day”, then to want to stuff my country full of anyone from any part of the world. What good is it to stuff America with Mexicans, Nigerians, Pakistanis and El Salvadorans? , and transforming America to a Third World hellhole. What favors does this do for the “native American Indians?” It’s just the anti-White doublestandard SJDubb PPC shell game. White people only do it. White people are evil, but everyone else is blessed by what they do. Every white person is evil, no matter their color. That’s why white statues are being torn down: to erase any memory of America. His statue in Arcata was taken down by President William McKinley last spring. It’s only a matter if Washington and Jefferson’s statues are removed from their homes. It is a cause that the Korean-bald NPCs in Koreatown will fight for every step. The goal is to eradicate White people and erase all trace of them. What if America, which is still as primitive and stone-age as it was in the days of the Amerindians, was still a place of Third World immigrants? This continent might have been conquered and may be white. That’s history. All groups have experienced it. Korean bald NPCs don’t criticize non White settlers of the areas they live in. Look at how respectful White people are to those they have defeated. Numerous states, streets and cities, as well as helicopters, are named after Amerindians to pay homage to the people who conquered them. I don’t believe the NPCs or aliens who discredit heroes, culture, history, and their statues can show any such magnanimity.


  • miabailey

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